Times are tight and we're all feeling the pinch. Do you sell your hand crafted items or crafting supplies on Etsy or FeeBay (um, I mean eBay)? Then you must check out this new site where it's absolutely free to sell things! It's called Art Fire. Listing up to 10 things per month is free (no listing or closing fees) and if you list more than 10 items, it's a flat $7/month. Sounds great doesn't it? Let's help them take off by supporting this new business. If you sign up, I'd love for you to use me as a referral, here is my link if you're so inclined (my user name is poshpunkins if you need that too)~
Register on ArtFire.com
Not much else going on. I've lost a little sewing mojo and am looking everywhere for it. I'm confident it will return soon. Instead I've been working on the painting and just doing the norm around my house. I still have to paint the stair well, maybe this week.
I did manage to machine embroider a quilt block for the official Pattern Review quilt. Here is what I am sending. Not too exciting, but hey it's something.

Register on ArtFire.com
Not much else going on. I've lost a little sewing mojo and am looking everywhere for it. I'm confident it will return soon. Instead I've been working on the painting and just doing the norm around my house. I still have to paint the stair well, maybe this week.
I did manage to machine embroider a quilt block for the official Pattern Review quilt. Here is what I am sending. Not too exciting, but hey it's something.

Hopefully I can find my sewing mojo somewhere around here....
Cute quilt block!! Glad you're submitting it. :-)
If you find my sewing mojo slacking off with yours, would you tell it to go back home and be useful?
Aw, that's a cute block. It's ok to take a sewing breather. You'll eventually come back refreshed. I haven't listed anything on Etsy in ages but if I suddenly get in the mood to make jewelry I'll keep the new place in mind!
The block is adorable- just like you :) Here's to hoping your mojo returns ASAP.
The new site sounds good, if I were selling I'd use it!
I still have my sewing mojo, it's just the UFO mojo that's gone away. I did finish a kwik sew top today I have no idea why I even started. And I'm almost done on a skirt for Angela. I obviously had no concept of matching plaids when I started it. =)
Melissa, thanks for the ArtFire heads-up! I looked at it and may well go over there. Definitely better than ebay. AMAZING what it costs to list fabrics over there-- yikes!
I think your mojo is hiding with the groundhog. Either that, or it doesn't like the smell of paint fumes. Don't worry-- it'll get hungry and need to be fed, then it'll come home...
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