The ever sweet and talented Jeannine of Sew Pink nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Thank you Jeannine! If you haven't visited Jeannine's blog, you must! She makes the most beautiful children's clothing and always posts lots of inspirational pictures to get your creative juices flowing.
Here are the rules of the award~ 1. Copy the award to your site - 2. Link to the person from whom you received the award - 3. Nominate 7 other bloggers - 4. Link to those on your blog - 5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.
So I'd like to nominate (ABC order of course):
The rule was to pick 7, but like Jeannine, it was hard to narrow it down.

It is a combo sewing and embroidery machine, I use it for embroidery only tho. I embroiders up to a 5x7 size and I find it perfect for my needs. I really thought I'd get into embroidery more, but I really haven't. I also use it to embroider the bloomers I sell (P.S. these make a great gift!).
I was also asked if I hoop or stick down the jeans and applique the patch directly on the the jeans or embroider the patch and sew it on the regular way. This probably makes the professional embroider cringe, but what I usually do is use spray adhesive and pins to hoop my item. In this case, I used two layers of cut away stabilizer in my hoop, ironed a fusible stabilizer to the back side of the knee area, sprayed some spray adhesive on the hooped stabilizer, and stuck the pant leg to that. Then for extra security I pinned it down to make sure it didn't move. Since the designs I used were more dense, I used multiple layers of stabilizer to help keep the design from distorting. I hope that makes sense. Everything was done on the embroidery machine with the exception of sewing the leg closed.
Thank you all for your positive feedback about my fix. It works for now and they love what I did, so that is a good thing in my book. :-)
Thank you!! How fun, a new blog award- and it's spelled the Norwegian way to boot :)) I'll have to check out that blog especially now since I've been sewing so much for DD.
I love how you did the embroidery and the way you hoop, I'm no expert but it seems very clever to me, no cringing here :)) I use my machine for both. It's a bit cumbersome to change but it's so good at both that I hesitate to get another.
How sweet! Cute award too, all girly :D Thank you!! Oh, and I love the way you hoop too.
Thank you so much for the award, how fun.
You deserve it Melissa. You should post your pattern reviews on your blog too!
Thanks for the tip on embroidery. Love your machine.
Thanks for the embroidery tips about the patches.For some reason I have done very little applique. I saw a red boys t shirt in an upscale catalog that had a square applique patch of sports fabric on the front( embroidery would be nicer) and a couple of navy bias strips on the long sleeves for trim and thought about your cute patches when I saw it. mssewcrazy
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