Monday, November 19, 2007

No good deed ever goes unpunished...

that is how the saying goes and I believe it's true. A few weeks ago my brother-in-law emailed me asking if I would please watch my two nephews for two nights so he could surprise my sister with a little getaway to their favorite spot. It's been over four years since they have went away alone and have never left their boys overnight with anyone. Knowing how important it is to nurture your marriage and feeling so grateful I have in-laws that LOVE having our kids come over for sleepovers, I thought what the heck they need a break and this will be good for them to have some alone time.

Fast forward to yesterday, they dropped the boys (ages 1 and 3) off about 11am and set off for their fun vacation. All went well until 5pm when my oldest nephew got his finger shut in the door!!!! With all the kids screaming and blood dripping everywhere, we peeked at it and it was cut pretty bad. He was crying that it hurt and we just de the executive decision to take him to the emergency room just to make sure he didn't need stitches. Well after a few hours in the emergency room and one brave boy, we found out "A" had a broken finger tip and they were going to close his wound with Steri-Strips. Of course I'm a freaking out a little bit the entire time and questioning DH why is this happening??????? I try to laugh it off because my brother-in-law said he hoped my boys put him through the paces because of the things he does to his little brother, but seriously, this is just not fair (and I'm sure my BIL was not thinking along the lines of the emergency room)! Here I willingly take care of my precious nephews and one gets hurt in the first 6 hours of staying with me - simply not fair! So of course my sister calls last night to see how everything is going. I am still freaking out that this happened, but decided there is nothing she can do about it, so why ruin her trip. He's fine and happy now, his finger is all wrapped up with a splint on the end of it, so what is the point of making her worry and want to come home early? Then she calls again this morning - ugg, stop calling me sis! She only asked me how they slept last night, which is all I told her. Hey I haven't lied to her, I just didn't disclose the entire truth, just answering what she asked. She never asked me if "A" went to the emergency room, got hurt, etc., so hopefully when she calls again later today, she'll ask easy questions. My only question is, is she going to come unglued and be mad at me for not telling her? What do you think? Please say some prayers for me she's not mad, but in my defense, my in-laws, my parents, and my friend all agree that it's best to wait until she returns. She'll see "A" is fine and that he's no worse for the wear (I hope she sees it that way). I'm just thankful it wasn't worse and we didn't actually have to have stitches put in his finger.

So there you go, remember no good deed ever goes unpunished! Have I learned my lesson? I doubt it, I will still do good deeds, but next time I'll pray for angels to surround us and keep us safe.


Donna Hodgson said...

You got it. Tell her you didn't want to ruin their trip. It's not like he had surgery or anything! Take care and I'll pray for you all.

Rhoto said...

Hi Melissa! I wouldn't have "told" either... No need to ruin/shorten their trip, eh. Like Donna said...
Enjoy your nephews! They'll have a "funny" story to recall their visit with Auntie and family!!
Soft hug,
Rhonda in Montreal (PR)

Lori said...

Melissa, I agree with you totally. Your sil will understand. Hope the rest of their stay is uneventful!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the accident. Bet your sister and BIL will understand and appreciate your good deed anyway.