Pattern Sizing:36-44, I made a 36
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes
Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes, tho I didn't follow them exactly. More below.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I've been wanting a boat neck top of ages and so I knew I had to sew this pattern up right away.
Fabric Used: A leftover piece in my stash from Lucy's fabrics - it's heaven to work with!
Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made: I found the sleeve cap to be a bit too tall. Burda wanted you to sew it in in the round and use a gathering stitch to fit it in. That is such a stupid way to sew a knit top IMO, so I planned to sew it in flat. I found the sleeve to not fit right so I ended up reshaping it a bit and removing about 3/4" from the top sleeve ~ picture of pattern piece. After my alteration, it went in like a dream.
I also stabilized my neckline by sewing clear elastic to the edge at a 1-to-1 ratio. I just wanted to make sure the neck didn't gape open.
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Yes, I'll definitely sew this again. I actually started on a second top, but due to a cutting error, I didn't haven enough fabric. I made the body of my second shirt with a rayon/lycra jersey and it's WAY too thin and clingy for this top - oops! Guess it's going in the thrift store bag.
I definitely recommend it to others.
Conclusion: Super cute and easy top! Also worth noting, I only used 3/4 yd for my top and the directions say 1 1/4 yd so you might want to lay out your pieces before purchasing so you don't end up with a little unusable piece of fabric.
This picture is for Reethi. She asked what the side view of Burda 10-2008-114 looked like so here is a picture. It's hard to take a side view because there is no place to put my arm. You can see I have a swayback and the shirt is caught on my tush a little. My photographer hasn't learned she must look for these things so her mama looks good! lol Hopefully you get the idea Reethi.
Very cute Melissa! That top is on my radar too and I may just have to go dig through my knits an make one up!
Thanks Melissa! (And great looking boat neck top!) I'm going to have to try both now...
That is so pretty and the fabric is great!!
You look so pretty in that top, Melissa! I love boat necks so might try this one. But you know me and knits, not exactly a love connection :))
I LOVE it! I plan on making this one myself - now I can't wait after seeing your version!
Another perfect pattern. It looks great on you. I am afraid my tummy does not look that good, otherwise I would try it. Note to self: Don't have a baby at 40! I love the fabric too!
I love this top on you. How does it compare to Jalie 2000? Do you have that pattern too. I see the necklines are quite different but how does the armsyce fit? Just curious.
That is a great basic top pattern, TNT material!
Very cute, Melissa, it looks great on you.
Very flattering top! I like that fabric, too. The print is so cute.
Such a cute top! I need to make time to sew - there's a lot of cute patterns from BWOF lately.
Hello Melissa,
your top is very pretty and guess what ? the very same colored and patterned fabric only in bottomweight is in my stash, isn't this hilarious,LOL!!!!! I've also had it there for many years, planned on making a jeans jacket for myself.
ps. did you notice that I've put up some pix from the mags.
Super cute! -Marci
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