I was inspired by a few graphs I saw so I did a little tally of what I sewed in 2009. I have been keeping track of what I sew for a little over three years in a spiral notebook. It has come in handy so many times and it's also fun to look back and see what I've made.
In 2009, here is a breakdown of "who" I sewed for. As you can see, I wasn't in first place, instead it was all about the kids (go figure). The gifts were things I made for extended family members (ie not my own kiddos), mostly for Christmas gifts but some where birthday gifts and baby gifts too.
Here is the breakdown of pattern brand used. There are repeat patterns on here and KS is dominating because that is my go to PJ pattern. Also the "That Darn Kat" is the undies pattern I use for my youngest ~ you can see which ones in this post.
Another thing I notice is that I need to suck it up with my BWOF and Ottobre - seriously those magazines are expensive and if I'm not using them, then why the heck am I buying them? I have 5 years worth of BWOFs and 10 years worth of Ottobres - I should never be sewing anything else (or buying anything for that matter!). My Ottobre is up for renewal and I'm considering dropping it, but breaking up is so hard to do. I really look forward to getting the magazine, but with 10 years worth, can there really be something different and new making it worth the price each year? I still have a few weeks to ponder it. Have you had this struggle? If so, how did you decide?

This is a pillow I made my sister. Why I like it so much is that she and my BIL acquired a business in 2008 called Acorn Uniforms in the Seattle area so it's rather fitting for them. It's a free pattern at YCMT if you want to make your own.

I also made three of these door hanging pillows to give as gifts. I wanted to make myself one, but ran out of time. I'm sure I'll make more of these, they are super easy and so cute. You can get this pattern free at YCMT too (can you see I have been using this site lately - it's really great!).

Wishing all my readers a healthy and happy 2010!
I love the M&M shirts! I don't struggle with the subscription. It's fun to get every month. And I always find something that I want to make But, I may well change my mind in another five years!
I love the m&m idea! How cute for pajamas or for Halloween! (or family reunions if your last name starts with 'm') I will feature this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com Grab my 'featured" button. this should drive some traffic your way!
Thanks for sharing the link and I LOVE the jammies! My grands would love them too--what a clever way to make a sort of neutral item look custom! Happy New Year!
Lynda in LV
How cute are those M&M pj's! Love them! It sure looks like you had another very productive year of sewing. Happy New Year!
I'm definitely stealing your M&M idea to make shirts for my nephews Mike and Mark. Thanks for the link to the freezer paper tute!
Adorable pyjamas! Oh, Ottobre... that's hard. At PR European Weekend someone gave away BWOFs, saying she gave away issues that are (4?) years old. I admire her mettle. Anyway, you will find the right thing to do, if you listen to yourself you'll know what's best. Happy sewing this year!
Your graphs were totally interesting and very cool! Thanks for sharing!!!
Love the graphs! And the M&M shirts are adorable - now I want one! :)
I want to make But, I may well change my mind in another five years
Work from home India
it's totally an emotional attachment. just do it. financially and organizationally it is so freeing! you won't miss out. at least try for a year, then if you want it back, get it!
Love the graphs! I swear I never sew for me anymore...maybe I should keep track of what I actually make. :)
Love the m&m shirts--I can see them on my 4 kiddos!
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